About Paul & The Forensic Affiliate 39CBD34 Website:
Hi, I’m Paul Mindra, and I’m delighted to have you here on my “ About Paul – The Forensic Affiliate – 39CBD34” page where we will shine a light on the “make money online niche’ and other opportunities together.
My journey began far from the online digital space—I was born in Northern India in the late ’50s and made my way to the inviting landscape of Southern Ontario in 1969 via the UK.
With my parents owning various restaurants, my childhood was immersed in the rich aromas and complex flavors of my mother’s cooking, which I began to master by age 15.
These early experiences cultivated a lifelong passion for hospitality, leading to over three decades as a Professional Chef. But life has its twists and turns, and early in the new millennium, I faced a tough opponent: a debilitating autoimmune disorder. With my career as a Chef at an end, I had to search for a new beginning.
That’s when the vast internet became my next frontier. While exploring work-from-home prospects, I encountered more scams than I can count, until I discovered the Wealthy Affiliate Platform in 2016. It was a game-changer. Swapping my chef’s knives for a computer keyboard, I embarked on a new venture of online entrepreneurship.
Staying within a stringent budget because of long-term disability taught me one thing: invest in myself. Although creating successful websites and blogging can be arduous and often seen as challenging, that hasn’t been the case. Wealthy Affiliate has provided an excellent stepping-stone, transforming a complicated process into an achievable journey, perfect for beginners and seasoned internet navigators alike.
So here’s my invitation to you: Join me as we delve not just into “Making Money Online,” but also into how to safeguard ourselves against fraudulent endeavors. Education is power, and together, we’ll use that power to protect ourselves and others in the exciting, yet treacherous, world of Online Marketing.
Confucius said: “Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous.”
Salman Khan founder of Khan Academy Says:
“There is no mere metaphor, but a physical reality. Learning is neither more nor less than a series of changes in the individual nerve cells of which our brain cells are composed. When a given cell is involved in learning, it grows. The process is not exactly analogous to what happens when one exercises a muscle.”
Some Disclosures for “About Paul-The Forensic Affiliate 39CB2D34”
- This site is created on the SiteRubix – WordPress Platform at Wealthy Affiliate using “Hiero” by “Athemes…”
- Wealthy Affiliate is an affiliate marketing program (1 level direct only). If you ever decide to join this online platform, you will achieve commissions identical to mine. This is a very productive way to get started online.
We all have a history and stories to tell.
Meet the Owners:
More about Kyle Loudoun, Carson Lim, and Wealthy Affiliate here.
The Wealthy Affiliate Philosophy:
At Wealthy Affiliate, we are taught to “First Learn,” then remove the “L”.
The Wealthy Affiliate Foundation is built on the following:
- Anyone can achieve success online;
- Anything NEW can appear to be overwhelming at first;
- Very little Technical or Prior Business Experience is required because these skills can be taught and learned; and,
- Success is a lifelong journey.
Errors & Omissions Excepted for The Forensic Affiliate – 39CB2D34
“Accept” is a verb meaning to receive something willingly. “Except” is used as a preposition meaning not including, a synonym of but all except one, and is also commonly used as a conjunction.
Learn More Here about an “Errors & Omissions Disclaimer”.
Below the Errors and Omissions Excepted (E&OE) label you will find a “Quick Navigation – Table of Contents.”
My story is long and I have tried to make navigation easy for you.
Quick Navigation – Table of Contents – About Paul Mindra
- Introduction
- Meet Auguste Escoffier [Video – Run Time: 3.00]
- Paul Bocuse – Our Founder, Our Inspiration [Video – Run Time: 3.43]
- My Kitchen Nightmare [Video – Run Time: 3.35 – ‘Warning, Coarse Language’]
- My Most Respected Modern-Day Chef
- Do I miss Cooking Professionally
- Almost 40 Years In The Hospitality Industry – The Start
- Owning My Own Restaurant
- The Sutton Place Hotel – Toronto
- Back To Wine Country
- The Old Stone Inn – My Personal Kitchen Nightmare With Great Results
- Winding It Down At Liberty Grand
- Starting Back As An Independent Contractor
- “Get Rich Quick” – The Syndicate
- “Scam World” [Video – Run Time: Approximately 15.00 (It’s worth it)]
- My Saving Grace
- “Ryan’s Story” [Video – Run time: 1.17 (Must watch)]
- Paradigm Shift
- Wealthy Affiliate Overview [Video – Run Time: 28.06]

Here is a picture of Mom, Dad, and Me in our 2nd restaurant on Yorkville Avenue in 1975. “Shaken, Not Sitterd.” Sorry about the picture quality.
My experiences in the Hospitality Industry spanned almost 4 decades.
Mom and Dad were very ambitious serial entrepreneurs (as new immigrants in a new land, they had to be something). As a family living in Canada since 1969, we had 2 restaurants, a farm, and a canning factory. Later in life, Mum and Dad (both now dearly departed) retired as practitioners of Alternative Medicine.
I learned basic food handling and preparation skills from working within our family businesses and later pursued a future based on Haute Cuisine.
I miss my parents very much.
Here is a picture of Mom & Dad on their wedding day back in India.
Meet Auguste Escoffier.
A legendary chef who popularized traditional French cooking methods.
Run Time: 3. 00
Meet Paul Bocuse.
Our Founder, Our Inspiration – Cuisine Nouvelle
Run Time: 3.43
My Kitchen Nightmare…
The video below is representative of the conditions I was once faced with when I took over The Old Stone Inn in 1997. It was my biggest challenge ever.
Run time: 3.35 (Warning: Coarse Language)
You would not believe the mess that I walked into. Could I turn it around? Yes, I could.
See further Below “The Old Stone Inn.”
Anthony Bourdain.
One of my most respected modern-day Chefs. May he Rest In Peace.
In his book “Kitchen Confidential,” he writes:
“Don’t get me wrong. I love the restaurant business. Hell, I’m still in the restaurant business lifetime, a classically trained chef who, an hour from now, will probably be roasting bones for demi-glace and butchering beef tenderloins in a cellar prep kitchen on lower Park Avenue…”
“…I’m not spilling my guts about everything I’ve seen, learned, and done in my long and checkered career as a dishwasher, a prep drone, fry cook, grillardin, saucier, sous-chef, and chef because I’m angry at the business, or because I want to horrify the dining public…”
“…If I need a favor at four o’clock in the morning, whether it’s a quick loan, a shoulder to cry on, a sleeping pill, bail money, or just someone to pick me up in a car in a bad neighborhood in the driving rain, I’m not calling up a fellow writer. I’m calling my sous-chef, or a former sous-chef, or my saucier, someone I work with or have worked with over the last twenty-plus years.”
Anthony was a couple of years older than me but we both started very young, worked hard, and became very talented. We worked in some ugly places and we worked our way up. Chefs from that formidable era were ‘A Band of Brothers.’
There was little qualified talent during those times and finding the talent to help us run our kitchens was scarce. We relied mostly on ourselves and sometimes one key other to watch our backs and babysit the rest. The people we worked for treated us as slaves.
On June 8th, 2018, I felt as if I had lost a brother from our band. I learned that Chef Anthony Bourdain had taken his own life.
Anthony’s claim to fame came when he wrote a book for fellow Chefs called ‘Kitchen Confidential’ which unexpectedly, became a New York Times Bestseller. Released in 2000, Free Download Here, this book is not only a “behind the scenes” look at restaurant kitchens but is also his memoir.
“The commercial kitchen is described as an intense, unpleasant, and sometimes hazardous workplace staffed by what he describes as misfits. Bourdain believed that the workplace is not for hobbyists and that anyone entering this industry without a masochistic, irrational dedication to cooking will be deterred.” – Source Wikipedia.
He became a Celebrity Chef and travel documentarian who starred in programs focusing on “the exploration of international culture, cuisine, and the human condition”.
In the video below, Anderson Cooper of CNN pays tribute to Anthony Bourdain.
Anderson Cooper (CNN).
Pays Tribute To Anthony Bourdain.
Run Time: 12.44
It is strange how the mind works. Why would a man like this who embraced and was passionate about so much in life, take his own?
Enough Videos For Now…Back To My Story.
Do I miss cooking professionally?

Learn how to cook online. I found this great resource site if you are interested. You might want to bookmark it for the future. I recommend the material covered.
Not really.
Kitchens are short-handed especially now after the pandemic.
Margins are small, the hours are long. The work rarely stops. I’ve owned and operated a restaurant with my now ex-wife between 1984 & 1994 and worked in many others for others.
Even if I wanted to go back, I could not in a gainful manner.
Because of illness I am on long-term disability and live a simple lifestyle without too many distractions in a humble and quiet setting in Southern Ontario, Canada. In 2024, I will reach “retirement age”. Like many, I have not planned my final years properly. But all is not lost. My parents raised me as a survivor.
I have one grown son who recently graduated from university and is an MSCPT Physiotherapist. He is ready to move forward.
My Son and Ex-Wife live in Alberta, Canada.
I have one older brother and one older sister. The sister is the eldest. Dad passed away in 2013 and Mom joined him in 2018.
January 2020 – COVID-19 arrives in Canada.
COVID-19 has changed the world as we know it. Many livelihoods have been decimated.
The first official cases of COVID-19 were recorded on the 31st of December, 2019, when the World Health Organization (WHO) was informed of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, China, with no known cause. On the 7th of January, the Chinese authorities identified a novel coronavirus, temporally named 2019-nCoV, as the cause of these cases.
Weeks later, the WHO declared the rapidly spreading COVID-19 outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on the 30th of January 2020. It wasn’t until the following month, on the 11th of February that the novel coronavirus became – COVID-19. Nine days later, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed the first person to die of COVID-19 in the country. The individual was a man in his fifties who lived in Washington state.
The Magic Pan – 1980 MY START
The Magic Pan was a subsidiary of The Quaker Oats Company for over a quarter-century with 110 crepe restaurants in most major cities in the U.S. and Canada.
This wonderful specialty concept was the launching pad for many of us who remain in the hospitality industry today and those who went on to other opportunities within the industry.
If you could make it through the “The Magic Pan” training, you were known as a “Panner” and many doors would open. I became a “Panner,” and have remained grateful ever since.
“The Magic Pan restaurant company was started at Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco, California, by Hungarian immigrants Lazlo and Paulette Fono….”
“…The Quaker Oats Company acquired Magic Pan from the Fonos in 1970 and became the company’s primary restaurant chain. Quaker Oats sold the company to an Oakland, California-based company, Bay Bottlers, in 1982.” -Source Wikipedia
I was with the Magic Pan between 1980 and 1984 working as a Production Cook and later was groomed into a Back Of House Manager. I met my now ex-wife (Rosemary) there and in Early 1984, we moved to her hometown of St.Catharines, Ontario where we opened our restaurant ‘The Old Bank.’
We also married in the same year.
See The Old Bank Below.
The Old Bank
My now ex-wife Rosemary and I occupied a three-story building formerly a ‘Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.’ We did the renovations and launched “The Old Bank Restaurant.”
Rosemary ran Front of House Operations and I ran all Back of House Operations. We had always been a great team.
Our restaurant was a welcome addition to the community as there weren’t any higher-end dining establishments in St. Catharines. People had to travel to Toronto to get good quality food. We had a very successful business but it was a lot of really long hours and hard work.
Our only child was born in 1993 and we decided it might be a good idea to sell the business and move back to Toronto for a while because I had been offered a position with a very well-renowned Hotel there. This way, Rosemary could devote her time to raising our son and I could put Hotel Experience on my resume. So we arrived in Toronto in the Fall 1994 and rented a house in a community called Leslieville.
The Old Bank I believe, is now an Irish Pub.
The Sutton Place Hotel
In its heyday, The Sutton Place Hotel was the Home of Royalty and hosted numerous celebrities and dignitaries. It was also a major destination for the film industry during the Toronto International Film Festival.
I was hired as a Sous Chef and placed as head of the Banquet & Catering departments.
My Executive Chef at that time was a young Englishman named Nigel Didcock. He was doing very well for himself and his family and we became good friends. Our sons were both the same age.
He liked what I was doing for him but we both knew we would soon be moving on. That is what we do in this industry…Qonquer and move on.
Once dubbed “one of the best in the World” by the TV series Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, notable guests included Pierre Trudeau, Sophia Loren, Elizabeth Taylor, Stevie Nicks, and Ted Danson. This was also a stopping ground for the Queen and her following.
It was a great job and I was getting the Hotel Experience I needed on my resume.
But Toronto changed a lot since Rosemary and I was there last when we met over ten years ago. We decided that the Big City was not where to raise our son.
I listed with a head hunter at various opportunities in smaller communities and came across one ideal for our family. It was in ‘Wine Country’ just on the outskirts of Niagara-On-The-Lake.
Wow, how ironic. Back to the area where we had just left a couple of years ago and I would be working with a Chef I had moonlighted with before.
The Sutton Place Hotel in 2012 was restructured into a luxury Condominium Complex. Here’s the latest:
“Sutton Place hotel is being converted into The Britt | Toronto Star”
Hillebrand’s Vinyard Cafe
We moved back to St.Catharines and I took the position of Executive Sous Chef at Hillebrand’s Vineyard Cafe and worked side by side with a very creative and talented Chef named Antonio DeLuca.
We also bought our first home. It came with a Lake Ontario view. On a clear day, we could see the Toronto Skyline on the other side of the lake.
I met Tony when in Toronto at Sutton Place and did some part-time work for him when he needed extra hands where he was working.
Hillebrand’s Winery history dates back to 1979 when the estate was originally established as Newark Wines. Like the Ontario wine industry, it has evolved over the years. In 1994 the Peller Family who also owned Andrés Wines acquired Hillebrand Estates Winery, which at that time was Canada’s largest producer of VQA and premium wines.
Ours was one of the first Winery restaurants in Canada, and we had set the standard as a world-class destination. I did not stay too long at Hillebrand as another opportunity surfaced for me in nearby Niagara Falls.
“Historic Boutique Hotel In Niagara Falls Requires an Executive Chef.”
Tony, later went on to open his restaurant nearby and is currently winding down his lifelong cooking career teaching Apprenticeship Programs at Niagara College Canada. He is a great man and was truly inspirational as a Chef.
Hillebrand’s Vinyard Cafe is now called “Trius Winery Restaurant.” If you are ever in the Niagara On The Lake Region in Canada, I highly recommend you check out all the wineries there and go on the Tour and Tastings offered.
The Old Stone Inn
Niagara Falls was only a fifteen-minute drive from where we lived in St. Catharines. The Old Stone Inn would be an increase in salary plus medical & dental benefits for me and my family. I also negotiated a percentage of the sales incentive bonus to be paid monthly into a private investment account.
The owners, a father and daughter team had been operating this 114-room Boutique Hotel since 1977. The hotel showed a respectable seasonal ‘Occupancy Rate’ through foreign tours but the Food Operations were in complete shambles.
It was disgusting, and the food being served was not safe.
This was my first ‘Kitchen Nightmare’ and is represented by Chef Gordon Ramsay here. I kid you not. The only reason that this place had not been shut down was because of the connections this father and daughter had.
Did you know Niagara Falls has a very shady ‘Mafia’ base? Let’s not go there.
This place was frozen in time and the menu was still from the late seventies. The only thing that had changed on the menu was the prices.
This was going to be the biggest challenge of my career so far. The owners were not going to let go of what worked twenty years prior and were suffering from a rare case of Metathesiophobia (the fear of change).
During the first six months, I lived at the hotel going home only on occasion. It was a tough go.
The entire establishment needed to go through a wash. The kitchen was a mess. Support to the kitchen was a mess. Food handling and safety measures were a mess. Shipping & Receiving was a mess. The front of the house was also a mess.
Did I say that everything was a complete mess?
The owners could see my dedication, and slowly, they started to accept change.
Michael Victor Delben was a special influence in my life. He taught me to work hard. What he failed to teach was a balance of work and time from work.
His daughter (only child), Arlene, and I had a good working relationship because she could and would accept change if presented properly. She was the managing director of The Old Stone Inn at that time.
A plan was put together to increase the dining area in the way of a solarium and revamp a very neglected kitchen. The Bar/Lounge was to be relocated with the pool and seasonal patio as the focus. An Elevator was to be installed for further guest convenience.
It’s not like you see on TV with Chef Ramsay getting it done overnight.
This took months to complete without closing down the operations.
It was weird that although I only lived a fifteen-minute drive away, I saw my son and wife only when they would come and stay with me at the hotel. Even then, I did not have time to spend with them. “Work to live,” or “Live to work.” The choice is ours.
It was novel at first…wife and son enjoying all the amenities of a Boutique Hotel. I did not know it at the time, but in the background, I was losing my family.
I lived to work thinking that …money was everything. A balance is what was missing.
To make a long story short, by the middle of 1998, the renovations were complete and it was time to relaunch the new and improved Old Stone Inn.
Re-Launch Nite

Sorry about the picture Quality. Michael & Arlene Delben (seated), me in the white hat with some Front-Of House Staff.
The relaunch was a complete success. I had established a good reputation through my work so getting some desperately needed media coverage ahead of time was not that difficult, especially with Arlene’s contacts.
The dining room was fully reserved until 11 pm that night and moving forward, The Old Stone Inn was finally on the Map.
Success came at a price though. I spent so much time at work that I did not realize I had alienated my family.
By 2001 Rosemary asked for a separation with plans to move to Calgary and start a new beginning there. I obliged as I too was planning to move back to Toronto. We settled amicably and responsibly keeping our son’s best interests at heart.
I understand how important money and success are in our day-to-day lives. Unfortunately, I was ‘Living to Work’ instead of ‘Working to Make a Living.’ I had missed out on quality time with family and by now, all the aches and pains that I had neglected through my physical hard work were evolving into full-blown arthritis.
Moving forward…separate ways with me back to the GTA.
Liberty Grand
Liberty Grand has been Toronto’s Premier Special Events Facility since it opened in early 2001 and can accommodate up to 3000 guests.
This place is huge. The aerial view to the left shows the magnitude of what I mean.
This Ontario Government building is a heritage building located at Exhibition Place in Toronto, Canada.
Built in 1926 to provide exhibit space during the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE), it was eventually replaced by the Ontario Place complex which later moved to another location nearby.
After a period of disuse, the CNE signed a long-term lease with the Liberty Grand Entertainment Group to use the building for private events. –source Wikipedia.
By doing some freelance work with the Chef in Charge many years ago when I was in Toronto the welcome back was warm. I was placed in charge of ‘All Hot Food’ operations. I had never worked in a kitchen of this size and magnitude but the experience will remain unforgettable. The below-ground main kitchen was bigger than a football field complete with ‘satellite’ kitchens on the main floor.
If you are ever invited or would like to host your event at Liberty Grand, you will not, and I guarantee you will not be disappointed. Yes, it is expensive, but you will get what you pay for. Working at Liberty Grand was one of the highlights of my career as a chef.
Ill health officially forced me to leave the Hospitality industry around 2010 with a few failed attempts to keep my career going. Soon, I realized that I needed to find something that I could do on my terms because my health was getting worse. So the next few years were spent looking for opportunities that would not require 100% attendance in a ‘Brick & Mortar’ environment.
My last memory of cooking professionally is those from the Oliver & Bonacini group where I spent a few months before wrapping things up completely. I had worked with the Oliver/Bonacini group before.
Starting Back As An Independent Contractor
After leaving the Hospitality Industry for good, I took some time off to reflect. What had I accomplished working the majority of my life for others?
Sure, I had some savings, but nowhere close to what I would need for my retirement years.
The only reality was that through making others prosper, I had alienated my wife and son and now stood not knowing where to go or what to do next.
I had taken ‘planning’ for granted.
I looked into some Accounting Courses at nearby colleges, thinking that after completion, I could set up a small practice working from home. The courses were expensive and there was no way that I would go into ‘Student Debt’ at this stage of my life. I thought about teaching cooking at one of the local cooking schools, but I knew my health would get in the way.
I scoured the Internet looking for jobs to work from home, but the majority were ‘Scams,’ or did not pay enough for the time involved. The only option I could see at that time was to use my ‘Communication Skills’ and ‘Vibrant Personality’ (so I had been told by many throughout my cooking career) to look for lucrative ‘Independent Contractor’ opportunities.
I worked in the Loans industry as a certified mortgage agent, sold residential Water and Air Filtration Units, and even did business-to-business sales in the ‘Clean Energy industry for a company owned by a close friend.
Those activities kept my mind busy and the cash flow active, but commission-based jobs are either ‘Feast or Famine’ resolves. I still, maintain a passive role in these activities because lucrative opportunities often pop up and one solid deal can become a life-changer.
MLM and Network Marketing opportunities were fairly popular back then as they are today and I had some friends doing well with them. I was very naive about the entire industry but was willing to learn.
They talked me into some MLMs and High Yield Investment Programs (HYIPs) with the promise of “Getting Rich quickly.” You probably know what I’m talking about.
I’m sure that we have all been approached at one time or another to join this or to join that to make money fast. Let me tell you, for people out there, the only way to get rich quickly is to do it slowly.
Get Rich Quick…
Over the next few years, I followed my ‘leaders’ from one program to another not quite understanding why they would not just stick to one or two things and ‘work’ them. Did I mention that I was very naive back then?
One thing that I can say though, is that maybe I was lucky.
I did not ever lose any substantial amounts of money in these schemes and made some decent money in others.
I recall a Bitcoin program back in 2015 that was a recruiting game dressed up as a crowdfunding platform but it did allow me to acquire a few bitcoin during its life and opened my eyes to new technology.
Call it luck because back then I knew nothing about Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology.
“Get Rich Quick” schemes and MLM/HYIP programs had mutated into an online Monster, and the offers were becoming more sophisticated.
I learned that a very well-organized network of ‘Pitchmen’ and self-proclaimed ‘Gurus’ were using the Internet and the ‘Fear of Failing Economies’ to play the ultimate ‘Long Con’ and ‘Confidence Games’ on unsuspecting people all around the World.
One of these networks is known as ‘The Syndicate.’ I only mention it here because I am familiar with some of the names associated with it. Perhaps you are too.
The Syndicate (Business Group)
The Syndicate is a business group that uses digital marketing to sell get-rich-quick, work-from-home, and self-help products. Read the full article <<<HERE>>>.
The video below gives a good insight into how the syndicate operates.
Running time is approximately 15 minutes (it’s worth it).
Internet Marketing as described in the video above is not ‘Internet Marketing’ in the pure sense.
Internet Marketing is promoting a business or brand and its products or services over the Internet using tools that help drive traffic, leads, and sales. And yes, it does involve lead capture, building lists, landing pages, and sales funnels.
But, the ultimate goal of Internet Marketing’ or ‘Content Marketing’ should always be to deliver true value to the end-user or buyer and not exploit (sell) that user or buyer’s valuable information to someone else for further exploitation.
True Value, not hype and exploitation will take you to Internet Marketing success.
There seems to be a common aspiration among many naive people that making money online quickly through Internet Marketing is a real possibility. Don’t feel bad. Been there, done that.
The term “Internet Marketing” used in context in the above video fulfills this aspiration quite brilliantly. The ‘A’ teams in these groups are very good at what they do. It describes a business model used to get the ‘B’ teams to sell substandard and often fraudulent products and services Online, to the community or subculture that embraces the psychology of the ‘A’ team.
It is a vicious circle.
My Saving Grace -2016

Image Attribution to ‘Brainy Quotes.’
By late, 2015 and early 2016, I had had enough of the instability of MLM recruitment Ponzis, High Yield Investment Ponzis, and ‘Get Rich Quick’ push-button Schemes. I was also tired of all the ‘well-to-do leaders’ taking advantage of those below them.
I found that one of the reasons that these leaders were continually ‘Jumping Ship,’ was because they were receiving perks and bonuses for migrating their downlines to the next best shiny thing.
Again, don’t get me wrong. These programs work for some people, but for me, they are ‘Hit & Miss,’ possibly ‘high risk’ and very seldom long-lasting.
Somebody I had met through all of this asked me if I knew anything about ‘Affiliate Marketing.’ He was having some success in promoting Click Bank and Joint Venture products. Being eager to learn new things, I answered I would look into this.
Affiliate Marketing – Wikipedia
Affiliate Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide – Neil Patel
Can You Really Make Money With Affiliate Marketing?
20+ Best Affiliate Marketing Platforms and Networks of 2021
Affiliate Marketing in 2021: What it is and how you can get started
Ryan’s Story…
I came across a video from 2014 that was published online by Ryan a Wealthy Affiliate member.
The video below provides a review of Wealthy Affiliate, highlighting its spam and scam-free community, free starter account, free websites and hosting, and a six-stage online entrepreneur certification course.
Watch it below.
Video Run Time: 1.17
- Wealthy Affiliate is a spam and scam-free community, setting it apart from other opportunities.
- Unlike others, Wealthy Affiliate does not require a recurring shipment or credit card information to sign up.
- The free starter account allows users to get a feel for the platform without any upfront costs.
- Wealthy Affiliate offers two free websites and hosting for users.
- The program also includes a six-stage online entrepreneur certification course, making it a valuable resource for Internet marketing.
I joined Wealthy Affiliate in 2016 based on what I learned through Ryan’s video. I started as a free member, and within days upgraded to premium because I saw the value and potential of the platform.
The Six Courses Online Certification Program that Ryan mentions is now a Ten Courses Certification program that is still available to all for Free.
Not only that, Wealthy Affiliate since Ryan’s time making his great video has added a 10-lesson Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp course that is also available for free for those who want to try their hand at making referral commissions from Wealthy Affiliate.
You can view in detail the courses mentioned above and an Introduction To Wealthy Affiliate Here.
Paradigm Shift…
A paradigm shift, a concept identified by the American physicist and philosopher Thomas Kuhn, is a fundamental change in the basic concepts and experimental practices of a scientific discipline. Kuhn presented his notion of a paradigm shift in his influential book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Wikipedia
My paradigm changed on the first day that I arrived at Wealthy Affiliate.
Learn a bit more about Wealthy Affiliate and try it for yourself without any cost or obligation here.
Set aside time every day to look at and participate in one or both of the free courses.
I am a firm believer that everyone has a ‘Purpose In Life,’ and that we embrace the idea that our ‘Purpose In Life’ is to love life fully by putting ourselves into life.
Throughout time and human history, there has been a constant fascination about what the purpose of life is. Much has been said on the topic, entire books have been written about it, and yet no one seems to agree or fully understand what it all entails.
It’s not only just the greatest minds of their times who have thought about what their true purpose in life is, everyone has mulled it over at some point or another.
I wish you the best in your online search to find the right vehicle for you to find that missing piece of the puzzle that can and will allow you to make money consistently online for a very long time.
I have found mine, and it is called ‘Wealthy Affiliate University and I promote it openly.
Related Reading:
Wealthy Affiliate Overview:
Video Run Time: 28.06
People often get the Wealthy Affiliate platform confused with other “Get Rich Strategies.”
Wealthy Affiliate is NOT the best platform to “Make Money Online.” Period.
Wealthy Affiliate is the best platform dedicated to “How to Learn To Make Money Online.” Period.
The difference is subtle but very significant.
The Forensic Affiliate
Make a comment, ask a question, leave a suggestion, and discuss a topic.
The key to success is starting the journey.
Build your online storefront, nurture and feed it daily and it will serve you well for a very long time to come.
Oh, and by the way, “Don’t take life too seriously. No one ever gets out alive.”
Kindest regards and best wishes,
Your host & guide here at The Forensic Affiliate.
Next Up: Introduction To Wealthy Affiliates
When a Man tells you his story, he is telling you his heart.
Hi, James.
Paul Mindra here from Ontario, Canada.
Thank you for stopping by to leave your comment.
I am very pleased to make your acquaintance.
What you say, is in fact true. When anyone tells their story, they are sharing it from their heart.
Stop by often and whenever you like. You are always welcome here to learn, share and contribute.
This site is a living organism. It evolves every day not only with my contributions but more importantly, the contributions of others like you.
This site is being built with one major focus in mind. To help others that want to build a business online using a very proven method.
If you do not mind me asking…What part of the World are you reaching out from?
I ask simply for the reason that I am setting up some demographics to be able to better serve my audience moving forward.
Peace and gratitude to you my new friend for being the first to comment on this site.
Your words are a gift in kind and will ultimately be rewarded.
Your host,
Hi Paul,
Shaun Khan here. Let’s connect!
My email is shaun@hrimail.com
Skype is live:shaun_2698
Telegram is +639561457722
Hi, Shaun.
Thank you for your contact information.
I will get in touch with you soon.
In the meantime, I have linked you here:
I can edit that page to include updates from you in any way that you would like.
Kindest regards,
Hi Paul,
Heartbreaking story how you have lost your career, I can relate to some degree since a hand ailment ruined my music career as a pro guitarist. But what is so inspiring is your recovery, my friend:)
When one door closes, a new one opens, and I am thrilled to see that you on the BRINK of a New Career Success in Affiliate Marketing and once again the Sky is the Limit for You:)
Hello, Kaju.
How wonderful for a fellow wealthy affiliate to stop by my work in progress to leave such a nice comment.
Yes, changing careers takes time. Speaking of time…do you have anything on ‘time’ in your archives?
I’m looking for an introduction to it followed by Coordinated Universal Time.
Because I really respect the way that you present yourself and the style in which you write, It would be
nice to use something that you have and I would give the credit. My site is going to be ad and pop-up free,
with the intention, later on, to actually sell ad space as commensurate with traffic.
I know what the limit is for me. I have already had quite the journey. You are definitely finding and enjoying yours.
When one door closes, another opens. You are 100% correct. Thank you.
My life now is online. The best real estate deal that I have ever made.
There is a myth (actually many myth’s) out there that people think that they are online through social media.
It is partially correct, but their presence is limited and under control.
I say:
“If you do not have a website, you are actually not entirely online.”
I googled “Kaju’ and I got something I like. Cashew nuts.
You, google “Paul Mindra” yes, my online name and see what you get.
I’m sure that if I googled you full online name, it too would be on page 1 and
I would get direct access to http://www.karaokepubcrawl.com
Where you review the Best Karaoke Bars in NYC (New York City) and show people where the “fun stuff” is happening.
You are going to knock them into sense.
My next step is to edit (reduce) the size of what I have anchored and replace what is lost with new and updated content.
Maybe even some reviews of affiliations that I will promote.
Then it will be an effort in driving traffic. With a closing ratio of 1 in 8 to a specific market, an additional +- 50K per year
recurring by 2021 is not out of the question or boundary.
Remain awesome Kaju and thank you for taking the time to learn a bit more about me.
I am not only honoured by your presence, but I am also flattered.
Kindest regards from Southern Ontario, Canada.
Because of your location, I know that our paths are probably going to meet one day in Toronto.
Peace and love brother.
Check out this link:
Final question:
“Is English The Universal Language?”
Peace and Love my online brother from the family of Wealthy Affiliate.
Paul Mindra.
Hi Paul, please reach out to my here at othusanyc@gmail.com it’s important. ThanksKaju
Will be doing so shortly, Kaju.
Very nice to hear from you.
Hi Paul,
Your fellow Wealthy Affiliate, Teboho.
Thanks very much for your inspiring story.
My email address is tebolekh@gmail.com. Website is https://personalandglobalhealth.com
Warmest regards.
Hi, Teboho.
Thank you for stopping by to say hello and leaving your email and website.
I look forward to vising your site.
Kindest regards from Canada.
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Hi, Joe Miller from domain-register corp.
What you are doing is bordering on extortion.
I’m going to approve your comment so others can learn not to fall for such tactics.
Your company is already flagged as spam and fake.
I trust that you have better things to do with your time.
Kindest regards,
if you need any kind of online services like SEO, Digital Marketing, Social media Marketing, Website Development
, Graphics designing, etc. Then click here.